The Group
The activities of the our group focus on the study of exotic matter with the aim to address fundamental questions such as the origin of dark matter and the matter anti-matter asymmetry in the Universe. A significant part of the research is dedicated to the study of the simplest exotic atoms: positronium at ETH, muonium at PSI and anti-hydrogen at CERN. These systems are ideal to test Bound-State Quantum Electrodynamics, provide a unique way to extract fundamental constants and to search for new physics. The other very active research area focuses on searches for dark sectors at the high-intensity frontier at the CERN SPS.
As a step out activity on the applied front, we have a great interest in developing positron(ium) material characterization methods and making this technique more available for the whole scientific community.
If you are looking for a project in our group feel free to visit or contact us.